How to Generate Online Income in Any Niche Market You Desire
Generating an online income in any niche market you desire is something that I think is very attainable for just about anybody getting started online.
One thing that I think I should address here is that when you are generating an online income, you need to become responsible for your income sources. What I mean by that is that you have got to stop spending your time and money promoting other people's web sites and programs, and then jumping from one to another.
Some of you have been jumping from one get-rich-quick promise per month for years now, and do not have anything to show for it. Is internet marketing, is generating an online income a hobby for you, or do you want to learn to make money online, real money$%:
If you are serious about learning how to generate an online income, you must decide that you are going to be responsible for your own means of production, web sites, income, marketing, everything. Sure, you may have to learn something new. You may have to learn a few things to learn how to generate an online income, but it will be well worth your time if you really want to learn how to make money online.
Now, the first step is to identify 20 niche areas that you have some interest in. You are going to build one web site per week and advertise it in a very particular way for each of 20 weeks.
At the end of 20 weeks, you will have 20 niche web sites of which 10-15 should have achieved a top ten search engine ranking for their main keyword, and then you can begin making money with each one. A good goal, by the way, for each of these niche marketing web sites is $30 per day per web site. Now, getting to $30 per day should be a breeze, but when you multiply that by 20 web sites, you realize that is pretty significant online income that you have generated.
These are the steps to take with each of the niche web sites you create:
1) Create the web site, putting your main keyword in the title, keywords, and use that word a few times in the copy of the first page on that web site.
2) Submit the web site to at least 100 web directories.
3) Write 10 articles on the topic of your niche web site and submit these articles to at least 100 article directories each.
That is it...then go to the next one. The faster you get to 20 niche web sites, the better, and then you can begin the process of monetizing these sites. Do not be tempted to monetize the sites until you have achieved a top ten ranking for the web are wasting your time if you are not getting any traffic.